From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon

Welcome to yet another review by the BookWorm! Today we will be talking about the famous work of Jules Verne named “From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon”. This is my second Verne’s book in a row, and I find myself liking his way of narration, the rich way, his distinctive way!Continue reading “From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon”

Murder on The Orient Express

Greetings! Today I will be obliged to share with you the review of a book on BookWorm that really set my “little grey cells” as said by Hercule Poirot, working! The book’s name is “Murder on The Orient Express” by “Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie”. It is a book of great manner and charm with aContinue reading “Murder on The Orient Express”

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